Westmead Private Hospital

Just like choosing your options for your obstetrician, choosing a hospital can also a very personal preference. I currently deliver babies at Sydney Adventist Hospital (Wahroonga) and Westmead Private Hospital (Westmead). Pregnancy and birth can have significant complications and both hospitals have tertiary level facilities that can support you and baby if the occasion arises. Namely, both hospital have onsite pathology and blood bank, both have large 24/7 Intensive care units, as well as on site interventional radiology suites. Both hospitals have level 3 nurseries (catering for babies beyond 34 weeks gestation) and of course you’ll have your own designated paediatrician to care for your baby.

Other factors to take into consideration when choosing a hospital include

  • Distance to the Hospital. For the dads in particular, you will likely travel back and forth to the hospital a few times post partum. Some pregnancies may be complicated and you may need to go to hospital to have monitoring for the baby, which adds to your burden. Long term parking options are available at discounted prices at the hospitals.
  • Accommodation. Both SAN and Westmad Private Hospitals have undergone recent renovation. I believe you’ll find the stay very comforting and helpful for your recovery. All beds are single rooms, there is no shared accommodation. It is nevertheless useful to visit the sites to make a proper choice. Due to covid rules check with hospital itself if they are running tours.
  • Cost. For insured mums there may be differences in costs between hospitals. In Westmead there is usually an agreed maximum amount charged by the anaesthetist and paediatricians. Some anaesthetic doctors may charge a higher gap in some circumstances especially in cases of emergency and out of hours. For uninsured mums, the hospital stay cost is substantially different. Westmead Private Hospital has short stay packages that are at a significant discount, please discuss this.
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